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Crafting the Unknown

Together with the Unfamiliar


At N9, we don't just innovate; we redefine the very essence of value, making the unseen seen and the unheard heard. Our mission? To craft the future of value exchange in the marketplace, turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. We believe that true marketing is not just about efficiency but about evolution — transforming the conventional to unveil new dimensions of value that resonate deeply with consumers.





日本の大学生やビジネスマンを、シンガポールをはじめとした海外スタートアップにインターンシップとして派遣し、Born Globalsが誕生しうる機会を提供します。さらに、グローバル人材育成の講演や研修プログラムも実施し、多様な視点とスキルを養うサポートも行っています。
















Break the mold of yesterday

In a world where progress often overshadows purpose, we challenge the status quo by focusing not on mere improvements but on revolutionizing needs and desires. Hybrid engines may become more efficient, but true innovation lies in uncovering and fulfilling the unmet needs of consumers, shifting the paradigm of value from what was to what could be. At N9, we don't improve; we evolve.

We challenge the status quo, recognizing that surpassing the evolutionary thresholds perceived by consumers is meaningless unless we can illuminate the core of their essential needs. Innovation, in the N9 realm, isn’t a fleeting inspiration or an enhancement of product functionality. It's about altering the very standards of 'good,' transforming impossibilities into 'eureka' moments that once launched into the market, become the obvious solution to previously unaddressed needs.

Don’t just change, Evolve

Innovation at N9 transcends product or service performance; it's about altering the very attributes of value. What is considered "good" or "desirable" is ever-changing, and we pride ourselves on being the catalysts that not only adapt to but also anticipate and shape these shifts. By redefining value, we empower innovators and manage the flow of resources with precise timing and quality, ensuring that what we bring to the market is not just new but necessary.

Exceeding consumer expectations means transcending the visible and tapping into the veiled, essential needs of humanity. Innovation isn't just a clever idea or an enhancement in performance; it's a paradigm shift that challenges the preconceived notions of "good." With every breakthrough, we aim to elicit a universal nod of recognition, a realization that what we've introduced was indeed missing from their lives. At N9, we're not just a company; we're a movement towards the future of innovation and marketing. Join us as we break molds, redefine standards, and create the unimaginable, making every "impossible" the new normal.

伊藤 隆彦|N9 PTE LTD|CEO

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1977年愛知県生まれ。シンガポール在住。新規事業開発や戦略PRなどのディレクションを得意とする。関西経済連合会や兵庫県、大阪市のイノベーションアドバイザーを務めると同時に、横浜市立大学や武蔵野大学EMC、iU情報経営イノベーション専門職大学の客員教員としても活動。また、シンガポールのスタートアップやFund of Funs、ベンチャー支援企業などのアドバイザーも務めている。2019年、イノベーションプラットフォームとしてのコワーキングスペース「One&Co(事業主体:JR東日本グループ)」の戦略策定から立ち上げを主導。現在もOne&CoのGeneral Managerとして、日本とシンガポールを繋ぐあらゆる活動を支援し、これまで1000名を優に超えるビジネスパーソンのビジネス展開について対話を重ね、できうるサポートを続けている。シンガポール移住前は、マーケティングPR領域において、多数のクライアントを支援。医療現場のコミュニケーションエラーを改善する産学共同プロジェクト「オノマトペラボ」は、PRアワードでグランプリを受賞し、スパイクスアジアで銀賞、カンヌライオンズではショートリストに選ばれた実績を持つ。


Contact us

Twenty Anson #11-01,

20 Anson Rd, 079912

One&Co Singapore

+65 8291 8780

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